Michael drum. Stories.

The collection of the USSR State Prize laureate writer M. Bubennov includes the following stories: "Fire in the forest", "On the Katun", "The old poplar", "Foreign Land", "The Flood", "Trin-grass", "near Lake Hassan." All the stories are written in the 30s in the Siberian material and united, mainly subjects of the Civil War and the early postwar years.
File format Word. Excerpt: "... Where there was a fight, White captured three guerrillas. One, broad-shouldered, bearded old man, pulled out of the swamp with a machine gun rattle-how frightened rabbits. Young guy with a bloody cheek seized at the time when he is surrounded by, huddled in nut and was going to put in charge of buckshot left side. A third partisan found in a pit under the roots of dead fir Turned storm. When the soldiers began to scatter bayonets roots, he climbed, sneezing - a soldier's tunic, black trousers and boots made of fine cowhide. And once he got on his knees and leaned his forehead strands of jet-black hair - men gasped at once ... "Download: Michael drum. Stories.