LETUAL | LETUAL discount up to 40

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After payment, you will receive a list of promo codes for a discount:
Discount of 1555 ₽ on the first order from 4000 ₽
Discount of 40 from 10,000 ₽ on the first and all repeat orders
Discount of 35 from 6000 ₽ on the first and all repeat orders
Discount of 30 from 4000 ₽ on the first and all repeat orders
Discount of 4500 ₽ on the first order from 12000 ₽
Discount of 1000 ₽ on the first order from 3000 ₽

Promo codes are not cumulative, but are cumulative with bonus rubles from the application and a discount on the loyalty cardPromo codes do not apply to products in the Pharmacy category, excluded brands and goods partner sellers