🔥 LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean (XBOX)
Sold 19
Refunds 0
Good feedbacks 9
Bad feedbacks 0
Write a unique 16-digit code to the seller in the “Correspondence with the seller” section or using any of the seller’s contact details, and only then the seller will purchase the LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean game to your account.
Mail: test@outlook.com
Password: test1234
🎮 🎮 🎮
Product type: Purchase with your Xbox account 🚀
Activation region: Region Free - everything works in Russia
Gaming platforms: Xbox One, Xbox Series
Guarantees: Yes
✅The average order fulfillment time is from 10 to 30 minutes, from the beginning of order processing.
✅Working hours: 11:00-23:00 Moscow time⌛️
✅If you made a purchase at night (after 23:00 Moscow time), we can place your order the next day⌛️
✅ To pay by bank card, we recommend choosing Lava payment services (there is SBP) - there is a minimum commission
✅ We issue a refund with a deduction of 20 from the purchase amount (in cases where the problem is not on our part)
✅ If you have any questions, please contact us via Chat (above the page), we will be happy to answer you!