Legal facts: the concept and classification (2016)

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Introduction 3
1. The concept and classification of legal facts 6
2. Legal facts in the system of legal regulation 31
3. Individual regulation and legal facts 33
Conclusion 38
References 41


I. Normative legal acts and other official documents

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Part One) of November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ (as amended and supplementary of July 3, 2016 No. 354-ФЗ) // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1994. № 32. Art. 3301.
2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2001 No. 129-ФЗ “On the State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” (as amended and added on March 30, 2015 No. 67-ФЗ) // Collection of the Russian legislation Federation. 2001. No. 33 (Part I). Art. 3431.

Ii. Special literature

1. Alekseev, S. S., General Theory of Socialist Law. Sverdlovsk, 1964. 648 p.
2. Barinov O.V. Classification of legal facts and their importance in labor law // Bulletin of Leningrad State University (Series "Economics, philosophy, law"). 1978. № 23. Vol. 4. pp. 68-76.
3. Vaskovsky E.V. Textbook of civil law. M .: Statute, 2003. 412 p.
4. Goryunova, E.N. Dialectics of legal facts in the system of legal norms. Belgorod: Veselitsa, 2002. 260 p.
5. Civil law. In 2 t. T. I. Textbook. / Ed. ed. E. A. Sukhanov. M .: BEK, 2013. 640 p.
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7. Dolgopolov M. Century. Actual problems of the subject and method of legal regulation: Dis. ... Cand. legal sciences. SPb., 2009. 174 p.
8. Ershov V.V. Types of individual regulation of public relations. // Russian justice. 2013. № 11. P. 5 - 14.
9. Zernin N. V. Legal facts in copyright: Author's abstract. diss. ... Cand. legal sciences. Ekaterinburg, 2014. 28 p.
10. Ivanova Z. D. Legal facts and the emergence of subjective rights of citizens // Soviet state and law. 1980. № 2. S. 31-37.
11. Isakov V. B. Legal facts in Russian law: Textbook. M .: Yustitsinform, 1998. 280 p.
12. Kechekian SF F. Relationship in a socialist society. M .: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1958. 260 p.
13. Kleinman A.F. The main questions of the theory of evidence in the Soviet civil process. M.-L .: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1950. 404 p.
14. Krasavchikov O.A. Legal facts in Soviet civil law. M .: Gosyurizdat, 1958. 262 p.
15. Kurtsev N. P., Goryunova E. N. Legal nature of legal facts // Lawyer. 2013. № 10. P. 30-32.
16. Rozhkova, M.A. Means and methods of legal protection of parties to a commercial dispute. M .: Volters Kluver, 2006. 448 p.
17. Sinyukov, V.N., General Theory of Soviet Law. M .: Legal literature, 1966. 688 p.
18. Stalgevich AK Some Questions of the Theory of Socialist Relations // Soviet State and Law. 1957. No. 2. S. 30-35.
19. Theory of State and Law: Course of Lectures / Ed. M.N. Marchenko. M .: Zertsalo, TEIS, 2006. 512 p.
20. Khalfina R. O. General doctrine of legal relationship. M .: Legal literature, 1974. 486 p.
21. Chilarge KF Textbook of institutions of Roman law. M., 1905. [Electronic resource]. ATP "Garant". (the date of circulation: 02.11.2016).
22. Yakushev P. A. Legal acts and acts as the basis of legal relations. Vladimir: VSPU, 2013. 162 p.
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