C++ sample "Mahjong" (source code only)
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"Mahjong" - a solitaire of a standard 144 set of chips. Your opponent is time. The goal is to remove the chips in matching pairs. If you can't find a valid move you are allowed to mix the remaining chips for a 1 minute penalty. Top 10 results are stored.
The project utilizes: the creation and registration of a class of its own OS windows, message loop processing, GDI+ for rendering, processing user input, determining valid moves, mixing chips while maintaining the current arrangement.
The project utilizes: the creation and registration of a class of its own OS windows, message loop processing, GDI+ for rendering, processing user input, determining valid moves, mixing chips while maintaining the current arrangement.
No additional documents provided! There are source code and a compiled executable binary in the archive. The project is done with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2008 Express Edition and never updated since. The most important steps of the program are commented in Russian.