Course: "Daily rent as a business"

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"Daily Rent as a Business" is my first original video work, created on the basis of 15 years of experience in this field, in which, at the peak, I managed a pool of 78 NOT MY apartments. I would like to pass on to those who seek my practical experience, somewhere gained through suffering, somewhere pleasant ... If you dream of a business without boundaries and investments, in which incredible financial achievements are possible, then you should study this work. I'm sure it will change your life...
Course objective:
Change the lives of thousands of people for the better.

Why choose it:
Because it is a truly sincere and high-quality product without water, sharpened for a quick result in daily rent.

What students will gain after its successful development:
Financial freedom, and as a result of this - the opportunity to develop and move further in other directions.

What are the features of the course:
The topic of daily business is very narrow and as such it has no official theory. All the material presented in it is a squeeze from the practical, 15-year-old experience of the author in this direction. The course consists of videos where the author personally, on camera, explains the intricacies of running a daily business. The course will be updated with new materials.

What will need to be done:
Watch videos, complete tasks.

What sections and tasks are included in the course:
0. How does it work?
1. Specificity of the region. Market analysis.
2. Search for apartments, and communication with the landlord.
3. Preparation of the apartment for delivery.
4. Status, taxes.
5. Contracts.
6. Advertising of the apartment.
7. Business accounting.
8. Cleaning the apartment.
9. Business development. Automation. Staff.
10. Conclusion.