Buy key AION The Tower of Eternity euro 30 days

Dear customers, you are buying:

Activation Key (CD-KEY) - AION European version of the game for 30 days, this key can be how to create a new account Aion Euro, and activate your account with a status Preorder.

Instant delivery! You got your key right after the payment in the browser and your e-mail.

Register an account you can link:

If you already have an account, enter it and add the resulting key using the menu item Use a Serial Code.

Our shop is not responsible for possible problems with Russian accounts and the accounts of the CIS countries, as well as for the policies of NCsoft with respect to the lock on a national basis. If possible, do not leave the "Russian" trace in your account, use foreign postal services, state European residential address and enter the account and play with European IP. In the case of problems caused by nationality account, the sole responsibility of the user.

Please note that to activate the game account AION you necessarily need an international credit card or payment possession Prepaid Timecard. If you do not have a credit card and you prefer to pay for the game only with time-card, pay your attention to our range of payment cards to the game AION (EU):

As the Company Intermediate You can buy a card payment for 60 days
Please note:

Officially, Russia and CIS countries can not play Aion, some of the recommendations in this regard.

1. If you have had problems with keys and your account get banned, do not activate this option in zabannenom NTssoft master account, create a new NCSoft master account.

2. When registering a new account, do not use e-mail from a zone .RU, NO Russian residential address and other mentions of Russia and the CIS.

3. NEVER use Cyrillic in the general chat - foreign players very easily and naturally write complaints GMam your ban will not take long to wait.

4. When registering, use the anonymous server Prosky (after registration disable the proxy and change your password and never through anonymous proxies, do not use credit cards, if you dearly their contents).

5. It is advisable to use programs that intercept the traffic of the game and send it through their gateways located in Europe (we can not say exactly, but it seems TrafikKompressor so doing).

Intermediate Company is not responsible for possible problems with Russian accounts and the accounts of the CIS countries, as well as for possible policy with respect to the company NCsoft locks along ethnic lines over IP. By purchasing this product you agree to the above terms.