Competition Test with Synergy Answers (80 points)

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Competition test with answers Synergy (80/100 points) 30 questions.

1. Using a strategy ... always aims to eliminate competitors
business isolation
compromise cooperation

2. Polypoly is a state of business in which there is

3. Quantitative indicators of the dominant and monopoly positioning of business entities include ...
entropy coefficient
correlation coefficient
the coefficient of variation
oscillation factor
Herfindel-Hirschman coefficient
Gini coefficient

4. Role diversity of business entities is classified in accordance with ... role function

5. The highest state of the dominant competitive position of a business entity

6. The innovative type of competitive behavior of firms is characterized by ... tactics

7. Techniques of competitive behavior of companies are based on the application of methods of ... competition
Both price and non-price

8. Sneak offensive strikes are a type of tactic...
concentrated offensive
distracting competitive behavior

9. Entrepreneurial firm focused on ... claims to acquire a dominant position in the strategic core of its business

10. A guaranteeing (providing) role function is typical for firms ...

11. The business motivation of business entities is understood as a system ...

12. The strategy of mechanical monopolization is ...

14. Applying ... a model of competitive behavior, companies adhere to targets aimed at increasing competitive advantages

15. The competitive model of tactical isolationism is used by firms implementing the strategy ...

16. Cooperative solidarity between competitors is expressed in the form of ...

17. Frontal offensive tactics include active competitive actions aimed at ...

18. If there are 50 firms on the market of the same name goods, each of which has a market share equal to 2%, then the Herfindel-Hirschman coefficient (HH50) is equal to ...

19. Under the competitiveness of the company is understood ...
the firm's ability to form competitive advantages over rivals
implementation of business ideas
the company's resource potential

20. Tactical competitive behavior can be…

21. … distinguish between common and key success factors for business entities
A. Thompson
M. Porter

22. The monopolization strategy stereotype is typical for firms ...

23. The interception tactic is a variation of...

24. Competitive are ... businesses in a market economy
certain types of entrepreneurial
certain types of financial
any kind

25. Offensive are called competitive actions, as a result of which business entities ...
trying to maintain previously achieved competitive advantages
cease operations in a certain market sector and switch to other market sectors
acquire and develop competitive advantages

26. A general indicator of the level of competitive dominance and monopolization of markets is the coefficient ...

27. Strategy… is always offensive

28. Pure leadership contenders perform … role function

29. Inter-product competition refers to competition ...
substitute goods designed to satisfy identical needs
around identical business products created from homogeneous raw materials
entrepreneurial firms using the same technology and raw materials

30. M. Porter characterized the state of competition in any sector of the commodity market as a consequence of the simultaneous influence of ... the forces of competition
Competition test with answers Synergy (80/100 points) 30 questions.