
It would seem that the world is published so many books kickboxing that surprise new information almost impossible. However, the world is full of amazing things that can present new discoveries - and kickboxing is no exception.

The original book was published some time ago, but that does not detract from the value of this book. The authors have tried to talk about this duel, probably, almost all of it is possible to tell: about the technique, combinatorics, the development of strength, endurance, proper organization of training, self-defense, self-regulation and even training with children. In fact, kickboxing - 100% European (US) combat sport in which the best use, that is, in modern sport.

The book reads very easily, a large number of practical examples for all occasions do transfer knowledge realistic. For experienced skiers there is a section with very interesting combinations that can be used in matches, newcomers like section with basic technique - in other words, this is the book for a wide range of readers.
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