Map Internet access company Cornet AM 12 USD

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Your purchase will be equivalent to the acquisition of Internet maps Cornet-AM corresponding to the nominal value.

This card allows you to access the Internet.

After payment you will receive a serial number, login and flogged.


Aktevatsiya Package

1. By enabling DNS:

Proxy settings:

port: 3128

2. Configure modem DialUP concatenate and call on the modem pool on the telephone number 592 222, said login guest, flogged guest.

3.Otkryt Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, and in the address field, type the address: http:, in poyavimshemsya window to enter information in the login and flogged with the package and click on the button Submit, then you will see confirmation successful activation, as well as information about the time limit and the expiration date.

4.Otkonnektiruytes and dial again by entering your login and flogged you poluchete after payment.


View statistics

1. On site go to section for our customers, and then follow the instructions of instruction section View Statistics

2. In poyavimshemsya box to enter your login and flogged.


Aktevirovat until 31 December 2004.

The service is valid for 3 months from the date of activation.

The service is not refundable.

Map offer the possibility to work on the Internet 22 hours.