Karazhan/Smoldering Ember Wyrm

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For ordering mount SMOLDERING EMBER WYRM choose option.

Time of completion: From 2 hours
Requirements: 110 level and 810 item level
All the loot that drops during the run goes to your character


Karazhan attunement - We will complete all the conditions that are necessary to get attuned.

+ MOUNT SMOLDERING EMBER WYRM - kills of 9 bosses (full run) and mount.

ONLY MOUNT - not full run, only for getting mount.

SELFPLAY - name talks for itself, you can take part in the raid without accsharing. Price is higher because of higher risk chances for raid.

Contact our operators for details, and we´ll answer all your questions.
Dving one of the leaders on the game MMORPG market. We are work officially and has extensive experience in boosting. This ensures quality of service and security.
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