Legal responsibility in the information environment

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Test Synergy "Legal responsibility in the information environment.fu_MAG" ready-made answers for the test 96/100 points
1. What is the basis for the emergence of legal liability for an offense in the information sphere?
Fact of data theft
Guilty, wrongful act
Implementation by the subject (participant) of information legal relations of an offense in the information sphere.
2. Checking the digital signature under the document can ...
only an expert, converting the electronic document sample and the sender's public key
any interested person, by converting an electronic sample of a document opened
the sender's key and the actual value of the digital signature
3. What refers to administrative offenses in the field of communications and information?
Bank data theft
Violation of the conditions stipulated by the license to carry out activities in the field of information security
Use of non-certified information systems, databases and data banks, as well as non-certified information security tools, if they are subject to mandatory certification
4. From the point of view of information law, information is ...
information about legislation, legal phenomena, law enforcement activities
information, regardless of the form of their presentation
data on the development of a specific legal science and its practical application
5. Not a sign of the information society...
mass connection of personal computers to cross-border information and telecommunication networks
priority development of agriculture and industry based on nanotechnology
instant communication of members of society with each other, regardless of time and distance
6. The legal regime of documented information includes ...
banking secrecy
electronic digital signature
7. The main means of anti-virus protection
backing up valuable data
training of qualified personnel in the field of information security
regular scans of hard drives
8. Information systems, technologies and means and provision may be the property of:
individuals, legal entities, states
only legal entities
only states
9. The owner of information resources is not obliged ...
publish bibliographic information free of charge
use the information at your own discretion
store production documents
10. The main objects of information security in Russia
information resources containing information related to the state
premises for closed negotiations
secrecy and confidential information
qualified personnel in the field of information technology
information products
11. Information about ...
forces and means of civil defense
state of crime
facts of violation of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen
12. Malicious programs, expressed in an objective form and having a creative nature, ... protectable.
are not
13. What are the types of legal liability?
civil law; administrative; criminal; disciplinary
Administrative and criminal
civil law and criminal
14. The subjects of information relations can (may) be ...
cross-border information and telecommunication networks
Russian Federation
15. The general management of the information sphere is not entitled to carry out ...
Ministry of Information Technology
expert advice
federal agency for science and innovation
16. The mode of documented information is ...
highlighted information in any sign form
electronic information allowing its identification
electronic document with digital signature
17. A sign that is not related to a trade secret
no free access to information
the owner of the information takes measures to protect its confidentiality
information containing a commercial secret is established by the constituent
18. Not principles of information law…
transferability principle
principle of freedom of speech
19. What normative legal acts are fundamental in the information sphere?
Civil Code of the Russian Federation
Law "On Communications", Law "On Mass Media", Law "On Trade Secrets"
Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation
20. A sign that is not related to protectable information is ...:
access to protected information is limited only by law
access to protected information is limited by the owner of information resources
only documented information is protected
21. How is legal responsibility understood?
Application of measures of state coercion to a person who has committed an offense
Measures of restraint for a crime
Restriction and imposition of sanctions against the person who committed the offense
22. What is the characteristic feature of legal responsibility?
Independence of legal responsibility
Application is always associated with a violation of objectively fixed legal norms, the implementation of which is ensured by the possibility of using the coercive apparatus of the state
It is part of the structure of the individual's behavior
23. They are not objects of information legal relationship ...
information holders
information system elements
undocumented information
24. What is meant by information crime?
an illegal act committed in the information sphere, as well as using the information infrastructure, which caused significant harm to the legally protected rights and interests of the individual, society and the state.
illegal, socially dangerous, guilty act (action or inaction) committed in the information sphere, as well as using the information infrastructure, which caused significant harm to the legally protected rights and interests of the individual, society and the state.
illegal, socially dangerous, guilty act (action or inaction) committed in the information sphere, as well as using the information infrastructure.
25. List the signs of the objective side of the information offense
Act, dangerous consequences, causal relationship
Method of committing
Time and place of the crime
26. The information protection regime is not established in relation to information related to ...
state secret
confidential information
activities of statesmen
27. Children under 6 years of age are not entitled ...
access the Internet with the permission of legal representatives
with the consent of legal representatives to use telephone services
with the consent of legal representatives to make transactions with computer equipment
28. What is the subject of the offense in the information sphere?
Any digitized data
Information Relations
information, documented information, computer information
29. Responsibility for the creation of a malicious program comes in ...
together with responsibility for its use
cases established by law