Research of management systems, Examination
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Verification work on discipline: "the Study of control systems"
Question 1. You are the Manager of one of firms. You are asked to conduct a systematic study of the production management system. What n-tier design You should choose for this study?
Question 2. What kind of impact control system for the control object and how to form, guided by the principles and laws of management?
Question 3. What is meant by reflexive control? What are the mechanisms for proper and open governance? What features of the classification of control systems and their research?
Question 4. What is the essence of the methodology and study of public management systems? Draw and explain a practical scheme of a systematic approach to the analysis of these management systems.
Question 5. The Manager of the company requested to conduct empirical research of production management system. What should be the sequence and scheme of the study? What factors should be taken into account in this case?
Question 6. To identify shortcomings in the work of complex industrial complex to its Manager requested to conduct a study of governance processes to improve their effectiveness. Make a verbal description of the management process using the method of decomposition and structuring.
Question 7. The cycle of development and making decisions as head of the mechanical workshop starts with defining and understanding them set by the Director of plant objectives and ends with a test of the effectiveness of the decision. And what phases of management, managerial work and managerial tasks he performs in the interval between these stages of leadership?
Question 8. Management system of two companies producing bakery products, comprising:
• in the first of two management personnel and ten performers (workers);
• in the second of three management personnel and the same number of workers.
Compare the complexity, span of control of these management systems. Define the flow of information that is able to receive and process data management system to achieve management objectives (= 2). Compare the efficiency of the management of the two companies.
Question 9. What types, kinds of structures of control systems and their characteristics, You know? Illustrate the answer with drawings and comments.
Question 10. Specify and justify the requirements that You presented to the system and the management process the Bank engaged in foreign trade.
Question 1. You are the Manager of one of firms. You are asked to conduct a systematic study of the production management system. What n-tier design You should choose for this study?
Question 2. What kind of impact control system for the control object and how to form, guided by the principles and laws of management?
Question 3. What is meant by reflexive control? What are the mechanisms for proper and open governance? What features of the classification of control systems and their research?
Question 4. What is the essence of the methodology and study of public management systems? Draw and explain a practical scheme of a systematic approach to the analysis of these management systems.
Question 5. The Manager of the company requested to conduct empirical research of production management system. What should be the sequence and scheme of the study? What factors should be taken into account in this case?
Question 6. To identify shortcomings in the work of complex industrial complex to its Manager requested to conduct a study of governance processes to improve their effectiveness. Make a verbal description of the management process using the method of decomposition and structuring.
Question 7. The cycle of development and making decisions as head of the mechanical workshop starts with defining and understanding them set by the Director of plant objectives and ends with a test of the effectiveness of the decision. And what phases of management, managerial work and managerial tasks he performs in the interval between these stages of leadership?
Question 8. Management system of two companies producing bakery products, comprising:
• in the first of two management personnel and ten performers (workers);
• in the second of three management personnel and the same number of workers.
Compare the complexity, span of control of these management systems. Define the flow of information that is able to receive and process data management system to achieve management objectives (= 2). Compare the efficiency of the management of the two companies.
Question 9. What types, kinds of structures of control systems and their characteristics, You know? Illustrate the answer with drawings and comments.
Question 10. Specify and justify the requirements that You presented to the system and the management process the Bank engaged in foreign trade.