Ilya Gonimov. Shahtarchuk.

Tale of Ilya Alexandrovich Gonimova, one of the oldest Soviet writers about life in pre-revolutionary Russia, the fate of the boy Styopka Marchenkova the son of a miner, of hard work in the mine, on the emerging and burgeoning revolutionary movement among the working masses. Year: 1964 (Kiev). Illustrations G. Malakov.
File format Word. In the illustrated version available (available on request). Excerpt: "..." crush! "His heart sank. The only salvation could be that the trolley diverge in two or three steps away from him; He would then have had to go over to the track to track, but in the darkness it was difficult to determine which truck will pass him soon. He is confused. Both Trolley met beside him. Stepan rushed between them aside, stumbled and flew down under an invisible slope. For a moment, everything vanished from memory. He rolled like a sandy cliff, sometimes studded with stones of that painful hurt; then began to slide on the sodden clay, he rolled back the sand and finally dropped off into a narrow slit in a deep hole. He fell and slid a long time and slowly rolled to the brook, noisy falling down and caught the big and wet stone. After lying and making sure it does not slip on, Stepan let the stone for which was held, and touched the face; It is unusual burned from touching ached like a fresh wound ... "Download Ilya persecuted. Shahtarchuk.