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After the purchase, you get a unique ID, leave a request with it and get a promotional code for your account and domain.

Yandex.Direct promo code with a face value of 3,000 rubles. for accounts of the Russian Federation in rubles, you can advertise in any country.
Activate the coupon, top up with 6000 VAT (7200 with VAT) and get 9000 (10800 with VAT) rubles on your balance.

Calculate savings:
To get a balance of 9000 rubles. without a promotional code, you need to top up your account Ya,Direct by 10800, including 20 VAT.
Using the promotional code, your costs = "Coupon price" 7200, including 20 VAT for direct replenishment in Yandex.Direct.
10800 - ( 7200 "Coupon Price") = Benefit.

Make a request for a coupon within 7 days from the date of purchase, guarantee.

To get a promo code:
1. Follow the link from your computer
2. Fill out a short form. In the "Unique ID" field, enter the purchased ID.
The application must contain unique data - mail, phone, new 2nd level domain.
3. Receive an email containing your promotional code and its expiration date. (Promo code often arrives within 24 hours, officially up to 7 business days)
The issued coupon can only be used for the account and domain that were specified in the application.

Detailed conditions for activating the promotional code are specified at yandex.ru/adv/actions/partners

You can specify any phone number - there are no checks at the moment, but it is strictly unique.
If you were refused to receive a promo, it means that in the application you sent the domain that was previously advertised or the phone number that was previously indicated. Apply again with correct details.

IDs are working, if you are sure that the domain is new and you are refused, write to Yandex support yandex.ru/support/direct/payments/promocode.html to get an official answer, only after that contact us.