Hell Let Loose - DullWave

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Sold 2
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Operating system: Windows 10 [1903, 1909, 2004, 20H1, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2],
Processor: Intel & AMD
Video card: Nvidia & AMD
Client: Steam

Player ESP
Player ESP - wallhack giving various information about enemy players
Boxes - shows players behind walls and obstacles using boxes
Style - selection of the visual style of the boxes
Weapon - shows what weapon the player is currently holding
Skeleton - drawing skeletons on top of character models
Distance - shows the distance to the targets in meters
Nickname - display nicknames of other players
Health Bar - esp feature showing the amount of hp the player has with the help of a bar near the box
Head Circle - drawing a small dot on the opponent's head

World ESP
Tank - show tanks
Outpost - show outposts
Garrison - show garrisons
Grenades - show grenades
Artillery - show artillery pieces
Ammo Drop - show ammo
Supply Drop - show supplies

Enabled - ability to enable/disable the aimbot
Bind - the ability to bind your own key to activate the aimbot
Bone - selection of the bone that the aimbot will focus on when working
Lock - the aimbot sticks to the target after aiming at it with a sight
Draw FOV - show the work area of the aimbot as a circle around the crosshair
Invisibles - activate the capture of invisible targets by the aimbot
FOV - the size of the working area of the aimbot
Smooth - smoothness of aimbot movements during aiming (Higher value - slower and smoother aiming)
Distance - working distance of the aimbot in meters

Speedhack - increase your character's movement speed
Bind - key selection to activate the speedhack
Multiplier - movement speed multiplier during speedhack activation

1. Any functions as well as all software may stop working at any time.
2. In case of detection NO REFUND!
3. In case of a ban there is NO REFUND!
4. We do not refund if the system specifications do not match our description.
5. We do not refund or exchange if you have purchased the wrong product.
6. We do not refund funds if you purchased the program, and for some reason it has suspended its work for a certain or indefinite period.
7. Compensation can only be made when we consider it necessary to make it.
8. When problems arise, we help customers through remote access, if you refuse to provide it to us, we will not issue a refund.