Gordienko Yu The abolition of serfdom and the formation of

Gordienko Yu The abolition of serfdom and the formation of local self-government peasant in Russia (on materials of Stavropol province): Diss. ... Cand. jurid. Sciences. - Stavropol: Stavropol State University, 2005. - 171 p.



Chapter 1. The legal basis of the peasant reform in Russia

§ 1. Preparing and conducting reforms in Russia. Manifesto 1861

§ 2. Properties of the peasant reform in the Stavropol province

Chapter 2. Formation of peasant self-government in Russia after the abolition of serfdom

§ 1. Formation of peasant self-government

§ 2. Zemsky institutions in the system of local self-government

Chapter 3. Forms of peasant self-government in the Stavropol province

§ 1. Peasant public self

§ 2. The legal aspect of the Cossack government

§ 3. territorial self-government



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