Gleb Pushkarev. Realists.

Events historical novel Siberian writer Gleb Pushkarev occur in 1905 in the Siberian city, flooded with a wave of revolutionary events; the city is the prototype described Barnaul. Year: 1955 (Novosibirsk). Illustrations VV Titkova.
File format Word. In the illustrated version available (available on request). Excerpt: "... when he came to class girls' school, jokes sat in the pulpit, and then got up and walked past several times that the girls, which meant the letter. Then he took her picture, was carrying with him to the department, something strike sharply on it in pencil, and then sent for schoolgirl. Girl getting back pattern found on him a sealed envelope. After reading the note, she smiled cheerfully and enthusiastically whispered to her neighbor about the content of the letter, which was due to her realist in his feelings and joking while sitting in the pulpit, is very pleased that he was so clever, witty and quite secretly managed to perform an important task, schoolgirls warn of possible trouble ... "Download: Gleb Pushkarev. Realists.