Fundamentals of banking, answers to tests OYUI.

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Responses to test the Open Institute of Law are in a file word.

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The questions in the test:

1. The legal basis and the legal status of the activities of banks in Russia are

??Zakon "On the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation"

??Zakon "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)"

??Zakon "On Joint Stock Companies"

??Zakon "On Banks and Banking Activity"

2. The Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" adopted





3. The Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" captures what

??bank in its activity is accountable to the legislative and executive bodies of state power

??imuschestvo Bank is owned by the individual

??v its activity the bank is not accountable to anyone

??imuschestvo Bank is owned by the state

4. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) is a



??fizicheskoe face

??yuridicheskoe face

5. The Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank appointed

??Sovetom Federation by the President

??Sovetom Federation

??Gosudarstvennoy Duma

??Gosudarstvennoy Duma by the President

6. The Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" defines

??osnovnye functions of the Central Bank

??osnovnye function, direction and activities of the Central Bank

??osnovnye functions and activities of the Central Bank

??osnovnye functions and directions of the Central Bank

7. Reports of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)

??publikuetsya in print

??predstavlyaetsya President

??yavlyaetsya strictly confidential

??predstavlyaetsya State Duma

8. Law "On Banks and Banking Activity" defines the concepts

?? «bank", "credit institution" and "non-bank credit organization"

?? «credit institution", "non-bank credit organization" and "foreign bank"

?? «Bank" and "credit institution"

?? «bank", "credit institution", "non-bank credit organization", "foreign bank"

9. What are the traditional functions of the Central Bank

??bank banks and the banker of the government

??monopolnaya issuance of banknotes, the bank of banks, the banker of the government, monetary regulation and banking supervision

??monopolnaya issuance of banknotes, the bank of banks and the banker of the government

??denezhno-credit regulation and banking supervision

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