Farewell Song (a-f ORDINARY MIRACLE) TWO! option

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Just two convenient, "sounding" transposition, for guitarists average level of preparation. Many barre, playing high pozitsii.VNIMANIE! Is printed in the Foxit Reader (free program) - in Acrobate watermarks are placed differently - on top of the music!
File pdf, notes tabulaturoy.V duplicate file may be present and watermark protection File change. If your not open to pdf file or printed incorrectly - please contact me, I will help 100%.

Arrangement made with a love of good music on every spent dozens of hours of time (including the testing of performance for video recording, etc.).

Earnest request: Do not you arrange to spread the acquired (or typed in another musical editor) freely available. Please, at public execution or when transferred to another electronic format - the author points out arrangements. Enjoy parse successful game!