Megafon 500 rub payment card

Card account replenishment subscribers of mobile communication "Megaphone". It works in all regions of "Megafon" in Russia.

The order of activation of the card:

BY USSD-request (free of charge):

- Activation at your own number: * 110 # PIN-code # call,

- Activation to another number: * 110 # PIN-code # number in international format # call.

Sending an SMS to the number 1100 (SMS payment on Tariffs operator from whose network the call is made):

- Activation in the own number: PIN-code;

- Activation to another number: PIN-code # number in international format;

By calling the following number:

- Mobile phone: 0011 (free of charge only in the zone of "MegaFon");

- Landline and mobile phone: +7 (XXX) 1,110,011 (Tariff operator from whose network the call is made; XXX - federal code chosen region).
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