Earnings on contextual advertising. Advanced version.

The mission of this book - to teach you how to squeeze out the most for content CHEAP!

I tried to make you understand that Direct is not what he is known by those who have had or have experience in it, and that you really get the gist. They learned how to make advertising really effective, spending much less money than many of your competitors are also not receive the necessary returns.

The book is a story about the intricacies of working in Yandeks.Direkte and step by step model for creating high-quality advertising campaigns that will squeeze for Vac max for cheap, and your competitors will envy this time hanging around on the sidelines :)

Theory and practice - are two complementary sides. The course aims to explore both sides.

I would like to add that some topics were quite bulky. For your convenience, all the texts are divided into semantic paragraphs.