Dekhtyar GY Electrocardiographic diagnosis, 1966

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Dekhtyar GY Electrocardiographic diagnosis. M .: Medicine, 1966. - 543 p., Ill.

The development of clinical electrocardiography essentially boils down to the development of the clinical significance of electrocardiographic signs. With the accumulation of new knowledge in the field of electrophysiology varied theoretical principles underlying the method of electrocardiography and along with it have changed and the methods of interpretation, which in everyday practice, the doctor comes to the resolution of diagnostic problems. Difficulties adequate interpretation of electrocardiograms frequently lead to errors, which are a variety of reasons - the theoretical, technical, methodological.

The general part covers the theoretical basics of electrocardiography, modern technique leads, electrocardiographic nomenclature and the method of calculation elements of the electrocardiogram. In a special part izlazheny electrocardiogram changes and the mechanism of their development in various diseases of the heart that occur in practice clinician.

Particular attention is paid to the issue of methods of analysis of the electrocardiogram, electrocardiographic diagnosis and differential diagnosis. The book is designed for physicians elektrokardiologicheskih offices.