Debut Colle-Meran. Experimental

Eksprementalnaya debut book. All major versions tested games in the tournament today's engines.

Appearance page e-book: e-book format is similar .cbh and complies with Chess-Practic.

Archive: e-book .cbh open the program ChessBase 9-11, Fritz 9-12
Initially, this opening variation was considered as some additional features, deviation from the basic theoretical extensions (software e3-e4) in the System Colle. Indeed, option-deviation c b2-b4, in the case of castling early, did not create any problems for the black (for players of a class) - the game has evolved in the position line.

Here come to the aid of tireless engines Rybka3 and Fritz11 - indicating new possibilities in the position if White does not hurry with short castling, and sometimes even from her refuse! Position in a moment turns into a tactical, combination play. An interesting position with the victims of the quality or pawn b4 (white promote c3-c4), estimated engines ambiguous. This gives the advantage of white Rybka and Fritz (clinging to the material) - black.

As they say "the truth lies in the middle" and only practice, affectedness position and strength of the players decide the outcome of tactical encounters. Option practical deserves attention!