Davydovsky IV Total human pathology, 1961

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Davydovsky IV Total human pathology. M .: Medgiz, 1961. - 504 p., Ill.

This book contains a complete course of lectures the author's general pathological anatomy, read to them for over 20 years. Author pathologist specialty, considering general pathological processes based primarily arising from the analysis of the morphological changes of human body, but in close conjunction with the clinical data, physiology and biochemistry. Much attention is paid to general biological laws determining the body's response in diseases, but above all - the process of adaptation to changing conditions of his existence in the disease, which also themselves may be and often are important factors in the pathogenesis of the disease.

It should be emphasized that the author examines the changes occurring in the human body in various forms of pathology, in terms of the overall analysis of the pathological process, the inseparable connection of form and function, from the standpoint of a unified approach to the healthy and sick organism.

In addition to addressing general pathological processes, such as degeneration, disorders of blood circulation, regeneration, inflammation, tumors, et al., In the book a lot of attention paid to the issues of etiology and pathogenesis of disease. These concepts are considered not only in terms of the reader's acquaintance with the facts, but also as a philosophical category, which allows the author to present them in a broad general biological aspect and emphasize the relationship between the development of medicine in general, with the development of other sciences, and especially biology.

The book is based on extensive factual material, which includes the main achievements of theoretical and practical medicine in recent years, including those materials obtained from the use of the latest methods of morphological and morphofunctional studies. These materials are treated with the original theoretical positions offered by the author, who in many ways at odds with the conventional concepts of time and lit theories and hypotheses.

The book is of great interest to all doctors - pathologists, pathophysiology, clinicians in various fields, as well as for the students, it will help them in making the correct philosophical outlook in the field of medicine and general medical and medical-biological thinking.