Database of aphorisms and sayings (MySQL, DBF)

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Archive of the database of aphorisms and cruise expressions in the format DBF, MySQL, SQLite.
In the Base 3 tables:
1. Aphorisms - has fields: Id of aphorism, The text of aphorism, Id of the author of the aphorism, Id of the headings (delimiter ';').
2. Authors - has fields: Id of the author, Author's name
3. Headings - has fields: Id rubrics, Title of the rubric

In the database of 11946 aphorisms, 3549 authors, 607 headings.
Database for MySQL in the format of requests of type INSERT (Dump base).

Here are random:
Flat jokes are also necessary - for small minds. | | Wieslaw Tczaskalsky |
The university develops all abilities, including stupidity. | | Anton Chekhov |
A pessimist, faced with a choice of two evils, chooses both. | | Oscar Wilde |
There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left. | | Coco Chanel |