Cultural for the Test Client, the answers to the test O

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The answers to the test opening of the Legal Institute of Cultural Studies in the file for the program exel Test Client.

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The questions in the test:

By becoming a cultural studies do not include the following periods:

Cultural studies as a science:

Cultural limited to the study:

The culture is different from the generality of the cultural heritage as follows:

Culture of different subcultures:

The term cultural world view means:

Term value means:

The term norm is:

The term is ideal:

Types of meanings:

Axiology - the science of:

Science, investigates the properties of signs and sign systems, called:

Semiotics - the science that studies the system:

Infrastructure - a system:

Typology of Culture - is:

Signs of a single phenomenon in the cultural typology:

Types of social and cultural worlds:

Civilization - is:

Cultural - the science:

The subject of cultural studies is:

Culture includes:

The content of the spiritual culture are:

The content of the material culture are:

Culture and civilization:

The global problems of our time are related:

Global problems of our time is:

By the cultural conception of XX century. It includes:

Representative of the neo-Freudian concept of culture is:

A characteristic feature of primitive culture:

A characteristic feature of the culture of ancient India:

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