Companies Primorsky Territory in 2007

Sold 13
Refunds 0
Good feedbacks 2
Bad feedbacks 0

You spend a lot of time and money in the network to find the information you are interested in? You are tired of wandering on the search engines and to delve into the many unnecessary websites looking annoying ads?

Today we are pleased to offer you a unique base of companies of Primorsky Krai. The base is located in the MS Access file and contains information:

- Organization Name

- Address (town, street, house)

- Destination (type of activity of the organization)

- Phone

- Phone / Fax

- Fax

- Website on the Internet

- Email

ps Not all companies may be listed phones, faxes, e-mail addresses.

This database can be used to create mailing lists, search firms engaged in certain activities.