👑 Clash Royale DIAMOND PASS👑
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After payment you will receive a Clash Royale DIAMOND PASS
🕚 Working hours daily: from 12:00 to 24:00 UTC+3 🕚 Average order fulfillment time is 5-30 minutes, but in case of technical work on the servers, or if there is a heavy workload, it can be increased to 24 hours or if you pay at night-morning, we will do it during working hours✔️
💬 Questions & Help in the seller's online chat!
✨To place an order, you must:✨
🟢Specify the email that is linked to the Supercell ID when paying.
🟢Specify the unique 16-digit code that you received after payment in the chat with the seller.
🟢Provide a 6-digit code from your email to log into your Clash Royale account. (It will be sent to the email you specified)
Then I log into your account and buy the promotion through the in-game store, and also provide a screenshot with the time that I logged out of the account. After I finish, you will have the opportunity to check everything!
After payment you will receive a Clash Royale DIAMOND PASS
🕚 Working hours daily: from 12:00 to 24:00 UTC+3 🕚 Average order fulfillment time is 5-30 minutes, but in case of technical work on the servers, or if there is a heavy workload, it can be increased to 24 hours or if you pay at night-morning, we will do it during working hours✔️
💬 Questions & Help in the seller's online chat!
✨To place an order, you must:✨
🟢Specify the email that is linked to the Supercell ID when paying.
🟢Specify the unique 16-digit code that you received after payment in the chat with the seller.
🟢Provide a 6-digit code from your email to log into your Clash Royale account. (It will be sent to the email you specified)
Then I log into your account and buy the promotion through the in-game store, and also provide a screenshot with the time that I logged out of the account. After I finish, you will have the opportunity to check everything!