Civil law special part for the Test Client, OYUI

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Responses to test the Open Law Institute on the subject of civil law special part of the program for the Test Client, are in a file exel.

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The questions in the test:

The right to limited use of someone else's thing - ...

Real rights to ensure the proper fulfillment of obligations include:

Proprietary protection by means of ... lawsuits.

Proprietary claims, protect the rights of ownership and other real rights:

Article of the Russian Constitution, enshrining the right to property of citizens as a separate type of private ownership:

The right to private property is protected in Russia ...

Articles of the Civil Code, securing property rights of citizens:

Basis of property rights:

The content of the right to property of the citizens of powers:

The subjects of property rights of legal entities are organizations:

The property right at the purchaser under the contract of things arises from the moment (as a general rule) ...

The subjects of state property are:

Types of bases of acquisition of property by the state:

Special grounds of acquisition of property by the state:

Types of joint property rights:

The Civil Code provides for the following types of joint ownership:

Shared ownership with the participation of citizens is:

Shared ownership with the participation of legal entities, government and municipalities is:

Grounds for the rights of the common property:

The initial bases of acquisition of property are sheathe:

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