Cheap analog of breast napkins

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A woman who has given birth and breastfeeding, may face the same problem as the flow of milk from the breast. It is unpleasant. And it is not very useful. Because milk can mess with the clothes, and my mother can forgive, if ye walk in wet clothes.
To avoid such problems, it was invented chest pads. It looks like that's about. Here are two types of spacers are used throughout our country. These pads allow a certain time in a dry and not worry about the appearance of the garment.
At the same time the cost of such pads designed specifically for the breast, and ranges from 200 to 600 rubles. A number of pads per package is usually 30 pieces. Each sachet of 2 things pads. That is, you have enough of these pads at exactly 30 times. I milk flowing very much, so I do not have a package, even for a fortnight.
In a month I had to spend about 1800 rubles for these funds. And it seemed that no output is not expected. Honestly, I felt sorry for the money. All the same, chest pads thrown away after use. And I thought I was throwing away money.
But everything changed one day when I went for the chest pads into the store, and they have not appeared. At first I was disappointed, but the saleswoman suggested to me a way out. She offered me ... what I want to offer you. And believe me, the option that offered me the saleswoman, turned out to be more economical, durable and reliable.
And since that day I use only this advice. And saving both in the order of 300 to 1300 rubles per month. The money I can spend longer on the chest pads are to be thrown away, but for themselves or the baby. Or family. In general, to anything.
The facility, which I offer you, universal and affordable. It can be used virtually anywhere, anytime. This tool is not inferior in quality chest pads. But you will pay much less money for this facility.
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