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Why choose us:

- ✨ The best prices on the market
- ​​🌍 Access from anywhere in the world
- 🔒 Complete security and privacy
- 🎁 Discounts on subscription renewal

## Our services:

1. 🔑 Buying a subscription without logging into your account
2. 🔄 Buying a subscription with login data.
3. 🆕 Creating a new premium account

## How it works:

1. Select the desired service
2. Pay and receive a unique code
3. Send the code to the seller in the chat on the order page
4. Enjoy premium access!

🛜 PAYMENT LINK - this is the address of the page where you are asked to pay for the subscription.
## Guarantees:

- ✅ Only reliable mailboxes
- ✅ Payment from personal funds
- ✅ Guarantee for the entire paid period

⏳If you made a purchase at night, we can buy a subscription the next day during business hours⌛

🤖How to access Sora:
1. Subscribe to ChatGPT Plus.
2. Set up VP* (if access is limited)
Sora is not available in the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland. To access, use VP* by connecting to a server in a country where Sora is supported (for example, the United States or Canada).
3. Get access
Go to sora.com, log in to your account and start using Sora.

## Important to know:

- Access from some regions may require VP*
- If errors occur, follow our simple instructions

Discover the world of premium features right now!

⏳The average time to purchase a subscription is from 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the

💯To pay by credit card, select the FreeKassa payment service - the commission here is significantly lower!💯
💵 We issue a refund minus the Digiseller commission from the purchase amount (in cases where the problem is not on our side)

💥If you have any questions, contact us in the chat, we will be happy to answer them!