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33. The blood group of a person determined by the presence of the factors A or b and their absence. Group 1 – 00. Group 2 – A0. Group 3 – B0. 4 group AV. The transfer of these factors is subject to the laws of Mendel. Calculate the probability of the birth itself (with some blood) from their parents (the ' follow-up from the customer for me to take anyone) 3
38. What are the main centers of domestication of different plants. Does this process now? Give an example 4
43. Species – the basic unit of evolution. Criteria. Methods of speciation – geographical and environmental 6
49. Lobe-finned fish have lateral fins, allowing them to move through wet soil. Water-breathing gills were carried out on the land for a short time, they could breathe easy rudimentary. What areas of evolution you can select from lobe-finned fishes? What classes of animals descended from them in the future? 10
53. Make a geochronological table, which characterizes the period of development of life on Earth 12
58. Chimpanzees are the closest relatives of human in the animal world. Is it possible to say that man evolved from a chimpanzee? Give a detailed reasoned response 15
63. Describe the stage of development of man - "Homo habilis" – in the form of table 17
List of sources used 19