🔶Beyond Galaxyland(ROW (без СНГ))Steam

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Beyond Galaxyland🔒Надежность вашей покупки гарантирует Belconsole - первая международная компания с физическим магазином(а не частное лицо) на buydigi.ru , а также лично ее основатель - Владимир Бычинов.

Мы - холдинг семейных компаний, работаем с 2007 года, на buydigi.ru с 2009 года, являемся официальными дилерами всех крупнейших дистрибьюторов на территории СНГ. Belconsole - единственный дистрибьютор цифровых игр в СНГ, обладающий физическим магазином.
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Вы покупаете лицензионный ключ Beyond Galaxyland • Steam Активация •
Издатель: United Label
Разработчик: Sam Enright
Локализация: EN
Регион активации: ROW
Год издания: 2024
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Особенности игры:
Inspired by classic sci-fi movies, Beyond Galaxyland is an intergalactic, 2.5D adventure-RPG set among the stars. Step into the sneakers of high-schooler Doug, as he’s whisked away to ‘Galaxyland’ - a zoo-like solar system of planets - on an epic quest to save Earth itself.
An all-new take on the beloved RPG adventures of old, prepare for a journey like no other, skyrocketing through teeming jungles, neon-lit cities, and cybernetic casinos, with each new planet brimming with intriguing characters, fiendish adversaries, and many other surprises.
Accompanied by Doug’s pet guinea pig - the pistol-wielding Boom Boom - and a sentient robot called MartyBot, together you must defend the world against an all-powerful entity known only as ‘The End’, before it conquers the Universe itself…
No pressure.
A Bold New Take on the Classic Sci-Fi Caper!
Experience firsthand all the thrills and spills of a retro sci-fi adventure, in an all-new take on the fish-out-of-water tale that sticks you right in the centre of the action! Laughter, loss, peril and friendship, Beyond Galaxyland has it all and then some, dipped in a dazzling layer of neon-tastic pixels.

Explore a Solar System of Extraordinary Worlds
From the blizzard-swept planes of Arcos to the tropical jungle ravines of Erros, the neon-buzzing cities of Neo to the arid sand dunes of Xalm, explore a cosmic cluster of unique worlds, each with its own quests, environmental puzzles, and out-of-this-world characters.

Overcome Cosmic Foes in Tactical Turn-Based Combat
Engage in strategic turn-based battles against a vast range of galactic nemeses, with time-responsive defensive gameplay to minimise damage. Each party member has a range of unique abilities at their disposal, but for an additional tactical advantage, sneakily scan your enemy pre-battle to discover their strengths and weaknesses.

Experience Epic Boss Battles
Each planet boasts its own distinct perils, but none more so than the epic bosses you’ll encounter throughout your extraterrestrial travels, including colossal space dragons, flesh eating flowers, and the all-knowing bionic behemoth that is Nexus Mind.

Capture Enemies to Use in Battle
Successfully capture the many weird and wonderful creatures you encounter, to later unleash them in battle, with each possessing a number of exclusive abilities. Will you acquire every last one?

Explore the many extraordinary worlds of Galaxyland in an adventure to save the EarthExperience a thrilling story that pays homage to your favourite retro sci-fi moviesForm a party of diverse companions to overcome foes in tactical turn-based combatCapture enemies in combat to later unleash as allies or buffs during future battlesCraft new armours and consumables to aid Doug and his pals on their journeyEngage in over 25 epic boss battles with the Universe'
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