🌒BDO: Treasurable Memories Classic Outfit Box🌘

After payment you will receive a code which includes:

Treasurable Memories classic gear box
How do I activate the code? [New Users]

If this is your first time playing Black Desert, follow the instructions below to activate the code.

New console users (Xbox and PlayStation):

Create an account on the Black Desert Console website.
On the console, launch Black Desert.
Create a character and choose a class. Upload to the server.
Complete guide.
Press the Start Menu button on the controller to open the Menu.
Click "Character" > "My Info" and press Y to open the account binding (or triangle on PlayStation).
Enter your account name (email address) and password. Click Connect.
After linking your account, activate the coupon by selecting "Menu" > "Adventurer Support" > "Use Coupon".
Go back to the "Menu" and click "Reward" > "Mail" to get the coupon content.
New PC users:

Create a Pearl Abyss account or log in to it.
Proceed to redeem the coupon . Insert your code here.
Your Pearl Abyss account will now be the owner of Black Desert Online. Please note: Any non-game content will be placed in the account's web storage until your character and region are created in the game.
Download the game.
Launch Black Desert Online.
Create a character and complete the game training.
In a web browser, navigate to the web storage of your BDO account.
Select the desired content and game region. Choose

How do I activate the code? [Repeated Users]

Follow these instructions to redeem your code if you have previously played Black Desert and have linked your account.

Console Users:

Press the Start Menu button on the controller to open the Menu.
Go to Menu > Adventurer Support > Use Coupon.
Enter the 16-digit coupon code to activate the coupon content.
Go back to the "Menu" and click "Reward" > "Mail" to get the coupon content.
PC Users:

Follow this link .
Log in to your Black Desert Online account.
Insert your code and click "Use". Your loot will belong to your account.

The content is only available for Black Desert Online NA/EU servers and the Black Desert console (Xbox/PlayStation).