Database of Telegram channels and chats "Food and Cooki

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Telegram channel database on the topic "Food and Cooking". Channel categories cover topics such as searching for vacancies in catering (cooks, waiters, pastry chefs, bartenders), purchasing food, discussing recipes for cooking dishes, desserts, healthy eating, cuisine of the world, information about restaurants, original cooking channels and everything related to food.

The database can be used to collect users or invite, as well as for other purposes, for example, to communicate with professional chefs, or to search for a job.

Number of channels in the database: 3000 pcs
Number of chats in the database: 3000 pcs

Language: Russian
Date of database collection: 2025

The database is collected in a Microsoft Excel file (*.xlsx) with a breakdown by columns:
- Type (channel or group). Separately
- Name.
- Link.
- Number of subscribers.
- Ability to write to chat (yes / no).
- The presence of comments in the channel (yes / no).

*Some channels may be deleted or blocked. The number of subscribers may differ from the values ​​in the table, as it changes every day.