Database of advertising channels in Telegram (crypto)
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Base of Telegram channels and chats on the topic "Cryptocurrency, NFT, GameFi" to promote projects. Channel categories are related to everything related to cryptocurrencies: news, opinions, education, reviews, blockchains, NFTs, projects/collections, investments, Metaverse, Play-2-earn, Move-2-earn and more.
To order advertising, you will need to contact the owner of the channel using contacts from the database. The audience and the price of promotion services are different, you can find advertising according to your budget.
The cost of services is not indicated in the database.
Languages: Russian, English (approximately equally).
The database is compiled into a Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx) file broken down into columns:
- Channel name;
- Link to the channel;
- Number of subscribers;
- Language;
- Subject;
- Contacts of the owner.
Number of channels in the database: 500 pcs.
*Some accounts may be deleted or blocked (no more than 5%)
To order advertising, you will need to contact the owner of the channel using contacts from the database. The audience and the price of promotion services are different, you can find advertising according to your budget.
The cost of services is not indicated in the database.
Languages: Russian, English (approximately equally).
The database is compiled into a Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx) file broken down into columns:
- Channel name;
- Link to the channel;
- Number of subscribers;
- Language;
- Subject;
- Contacts of the owner.
Number of channels in the database: 500 pcs.
*Some accounts may be deleted or blocked (no more than 5%)