💎Ozon_sellers Supplier Base Ozone 29.07.22
Sold 2
Refunds 0
Good feedbacks 0
Bad feedbacks 0
Ozon database: 22107 companies.
Last updated on 05/08/2023.
The amount of data in the database:
—- Companies: 22107
--- Companies with phone information: 6517
--- Companies with Mobile Phone Information - 5315
--- Companies with email address information: 21057
—- Companies with information with a personal Website: 697
—- Companies with information about PSRN: 22107
--- Companies with TIN information: 22107
--- Companies with information about the Address (location): 6754
—- Companies with information about the name of the head: 22107
—- And other information
The database contains the following data: Organization, phone, e-mail, website, time together with ozone, average product rating, number of ratings, Number of completed orders from the Ozon warehouse, Organization status, Registration date, PSRN, TIN, Legal address, Head
Last updated on 05/08/2023.
The amount of data in the database:
—- Companies: 22107
--- Companies with phone information: 6517
--- Companies with Mobile Phone Information - 5315
--- Companies with email address information: 21057
—- Companies with information with a personal Website: 697
—- Companies with information about PSRN: 22107
--- Companies with TIN information: 22107
--- Companies with information about the Address (location): 6754
—- Companies with information about the name of the head: 22107
—- And other information
The database contains the following data: Organization, phone, e-mail, website, time together with ozone, average product rating, number of ratings, Number of completed orders from the Ozon warehouse, Organization status, Registration date, PSRN, TIN, Legal address, Head