Database Cadastre and cartography.mdb

In the main menu, functions are grouped as follows: data entry and editing; data processing and analysis.
Data entry and editing is carried out using the following directories and documents:
- reference book "Type of services";
- directory "Departments";
- reference book "Education";
- reference book "Positions";
- reference book "Employees";
- reference book "Customers";
- document "Application";
- the document "Agreement".
Data analysis and consolidation:
- search for an employee;
- employees of the department;
– register of employees;
- register of applications;
– register of contracts;
– search for a contract by code.


Introduction 3
1. Analytical part 5
1.1. Analysis of the object of study 5
1.2. Modeling the work of the department of cadastral activities 7
1.3. Economic essence of the problem being solved 9
2. Design part 12
2.1. Development of a functional structure diagram 12
2.2. Database development 13
2.3. How to work with the information system 14
Conclusion 27
References 28
Apps 30
I enclose the text of the term paper on 30 sheets.

Development environment: Microsoft Office Access.