Base white catalogs RUINETBase.v.1.4 with free updates + BONUS

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I present you the proper manually assembled database of white catalogs.

Theme base: "General directories sites."

The base is designed to work with ALLSubmitter and comes in a format * .xml.

Database is constantly updated. Buyers get the update for free!

At the moment, the last update was April 1, 2007.

The database contains:

Directories (total): 354

PR _____ ________ Number vo_tITs Qty

6 ______ ______ 2> 2000_______8

5 _____ ______ 14 1000-1999 21 ___

4 39 ______ _____ 500-999 ____57

3 69 ______ _____ 100-499 ____225

2 50 ______ _____ _______ 50-99 42

0-1 ____ ____ 10-49 180 _______ 0

BONUS: in each update will be available as a bonus a small base directories that require a link back to the time of registration, but was stopped 1-2 weeks to monitor her presence. So in this update in the database until 5 catalogs, links to which can be removed after 2 weeks.

April 1, 2007 - New update database :: v.1.4

The upgrade process has been made:

- Removed more than 150 "spoil" directory.

- Added new directories.

- Were not included in the database directories CY at least 50.

Base completely free of banned Yandex in catalogs. Catalogues unstaged also not included in the base. It reduced the number of directories that require filling in the column "Link back" but its presence is non-validating. Now, these directories minimum. As a result, all the directories in the database and white and do not require placement of backlink.

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Database updates are free of charge!

Database is constantly updated. Buyers get the update for free! To receive a free update after purchase communicated through the form below:

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