Base of 150,000 Hamster Kombat users on Telegram

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A ready-made base of 150,000 users in Telegram groups of the popular game Hamster Kombat. All users are collected from Russian-language chats.

The database can be used for invites, mailings, and for other purposes.

Total number of users: 150,000
- Regular: 127,000
- Premium: 23,000

The user type is divided for convenience.

The Excel table will have:
- User ID,
- Name,
- Username,
- Floor,
- Information whether there is an avatar, story or not,
- Latest activity on the date the database was collected.

Database collected: June 14, 2024. Users are supplied with a list of chats from which they were collected.

After purchase you will receive a link to download the file from Google Drive.