Base countries prosklonennaya on cases

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The base of the world with the full name of the country, part of the world and geographical location, ISO and Alpha-country codes.

252 countries around the world.

Example line of the file (a question that answers column):

Who, What, Who, What, Who, What, Who, What, Who, What, About whom, about what, in whom, What, Where, How, Where, Who, What (Full Name); Who, What ( Full Name); Who, What (Full Name); anyone that (Full Name); Who, The (Full Name); Whom, What, in whom, in what (Full Name); Where (Full Name); Where (Full Name); Where (Full Name); Translit Name; Part of the World, part of the world (where?) Part of the World (where?) Part of the World (Where to?); Location; Alpha 2; Alpha 3; ISO

Example line of the file (data):

Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, the Dominican Republic, the Dominican Republic, the Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, Dominican Republic, the Dominican Republic, the Dominican Republic; Dominican Republic; America; America, from America; America; Caribbean; DO; DOM; 214
The tables in the database have the top explaining the issues to which answers this column, for example, for the genitive case is - Who? What?)