🎮🔥Assassin's Creed® Odyssey XBOX ONE / X|S 🔑 Key🔥
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🔥Region Activation key and Microsoft profile (Xbox) - ARGENTINA🔥
Determine your destiny in Assassin's Creed® Odyssey.
Go from outcast to living legend as you embark on a long journey to uncover the secrets of your past and change the future of Ancient Greece. You will find a completely new combat system and sea travel in a huge, seamless world that is constantly evolving and reacts to your every action.
- After activation, the game has NO REGIONAL RESTRICTIONS
- The game is forever associated with your Microsoft account
- You can download the game in any region and at any time, with all available languages
This key is distributed by digital distribution. And has no boxes or disks.
- Prohibition of resale of purchased keys (purchase only for personal use)
- Return of keys for the reasons “could not activate”, “didn’t like the game”, “didn’t read the description”, WILL NOT BE PRODUCED.
- If you have problems activating the key, contact the seller by correspondence, leave a message and wait for a response (be sure to indicate the error if there is one and attach a full photo of the screen where you are activating). We will help you solve the problem
- Support hours are from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Moscow time. Response time may depend on various factors.