Anatomy of Stretching

Whatever the sport, we would have neither engaged (and this is especially true for the martial arts!), A good stretching plays a huge role. After all, enjoying it, we can move more freely and more quickly by performing actions that require high precision and coordination.

not by chance that in the martial arts this important element of the training program udelat a lot of attention. In this book you will find exercises that can be successfully used in their training - whether it takes place in the gym or at home. The exercises are simple, but if they are to perform in a complex, give tremendous effect even in the absence of you have any basic skills. Just follow the instructions - and you will soon feel the effects of the training. What makes the book especially valuable - as is the presence of very detailed information on the anatomy of the muscles that we are going to train on the stretch. Knowledge of their own anatomy will allow you to avoid the already frequent injuries and get the best result for the early stages of training!
Title: Anatomy of stretching
Author: Craig Ramsay
Pages: 132
Format: epub
Size: 15 MB.
Quality: Very good
Year: 2015