Analysis of financial and economic activity of the test

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Analysis of financial and economic activity, test, 15 questions.

1. mathematical methods of financial and economic analysis does not apply:

1) matrix method

2) dynamic programming;

3) the theory of production functions

4) The theory of input-output balance

2. The main properties of the deterministic approach to the analysis does not apply:

1) construction of a deterministic model by logical analysis;

2) the presence of a full (hard) links between indicators;

3) study of the relationships in the long term;

4) inability to influence the results of the separation of concurrent factors, which can not be combined in one model;

3. Which of the following options are examples of all 3 types of factors of production: land, labor and capital?

1) Money, fitter, plowed field;

2) The teacher, oil harvester

3) Turner, machine shares;

4) Bonds, natural gas manager.

4. The scarcest resource in modern Russian economy:

1) labor;

2) capital;

3) land;

4) business activity.

5. The volume of goods in the market or capable of being delivered there - is:

1) the demand;

2) the volume of sales;

3) the proposal;

4) market.

6. In the long term all the costs of the firm are:

1) constant;

2) variables;

3) common;

4) limit.

7. Attachments for subsequent profit - is:

1) investments;

2) costs;

3) costs;

4) capital.

8. Analysis of the financial condition of the company includes the study of:

1) the financial situation of the enterprise at the beginning and end of the reporting period;

2) conditions of the enterprise in the reporting period;

3) the results achieved now in the reporting period;

4) financial and economic prospects of the company.

5) all of the above

9. The direct costs include:

1) Materials

2) wages (salaries)

3) depreciation.

4) representation expenses

10. Selling expenses do not include

1) the cost of containers

2) Packaging materials

3) advertising

4) Taxes

11. The main objectives of financial and economic analysis:

1) improving the scientific and economic feasibility of business plans, business processes and standards in the process of development

2) objective and comprehensive study of the implementation of business plans, business processes and regulatory compliance

3) determination of the efficiency of labor and material resources

4) all of the above

12. To study the structure of economic phenomena applied:

1) The comparative analysis of the horizontal

2) balance method

3) vertical comparative analysis

4) the method of grouping

13. Technique of research of influence of factors - is:

1) index analysis

2) factor analysis

3) the method of "input-output"

4) Game Theory

14. Additive models are:

1) the algebraic sum of indicators

2) the difference in

3) the product of the

4) no right answer

15. By generalizing indicators of quality include:

1) utility reliability

2) penalties for poor quality products

3) the proportion of products conforming to international standards

4) loss of marriage

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