Advocacy control with answers 10 questions.

Advocacy control, 10 questions.

Question 1.Privedite example of a claim for damages and penalties for failure to supply products.

Question 2. Give an example of a complaint about inadequate service provision, in particular, if the travel agency breached contractual obligations to time-displaced in the hotel and organizing excursions.

Question 3. Give an example of a claim for divorce.

Question 4. What documents need to say a lawyer when applying for divorce and division of property?

Question 5: What documents are required when applying for disqualification?

Question 6. Give an example of drawing up the appeal of housing disputes.

Question 7. Which documents should mention the lawyer when applying for establishing the fact of accepting the inheritance?

Question 8: What advice to give counsel when referring to him with a request to clarify the procedure for recognition of the lost document null and void nym?

Question 9: What should be taken into account when the lawyer complaints against notaries or refusal of notarial acts?

Question 10. What advice to give counsel when he was approached with the first, to ask for the refusal to accept the claim?

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