Administrative regulations of state and municipal autho

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Answers Synergy "Administrative regulations of state and municipal bodies" test for 100 points "Excellent"
1. In what cases can administrative regulations be changed or cancelled?
When there is a change in the leadership of a government agency
In case of changes in legislation regulating the service provided
Every year during the state inventory process
At the request of employees directly providing the service

2. What is the contribution of administrative regulations to the formation of the rule of law?
In increasing the number of regulations
In ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens by regulating the actions of state and municipal bodies
In expanding the powers of civil servants
Reducing the time for preparing legal documents

3. What consequences may occur for failure to comply with the provisions of administrative regulations by a state or municipal body?
Possibility of appealing against the actions of the body and holding it accountable for violating the established procedure
Reward or encouragement for agency employees
Automatic increase in the organ's budget
There are no consequences

4. What is the main purpose of introducing administrative regulations?
Increase paperwork
Standardize the process of providing services and improve their quality
Make it difficult for citizens to access state and municipal services
Reduce the number of employees in government agencies

5. How do administrative regulations contribute to improving the quality of work of government agencies?
By increasing paperwork and archiving
By creating clear and transparent procedures for the provision of services, reducing the time for their provision
By introducing additional fines for citizens
By reducing the number of available online services

6. What types of mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of administrative regulations exist?
Internal control only
Internal control, external control, and public control
Only public control
Internal control and external audit conducted once a year

7. What are the basic principles for the development of administrative regulations?
Complexity, opacity, uncertainty of procedures
Accessibility, transparency, predictability, user friendliness
Versatility in use at all levels of management
Maximum automation without taking into account individual cases

8. How does the introduction of administrative regulations affect the relationship between the state and citizens?
Made worse by bureaucracy
Improves through process transparency and predictability
Has no effect
Makes it difficult to access services due to the complexity of regulations

9. How can changes in administrative regulations affect the process of providing state and municipal services?
No, since regulations are formal documents
May simplify or complicate the procedure for obtaining services depending on the adjustments made
Lead to automatic cancellation of all previously issued permits and licenses
Obliges citizens to go through all stages of service provision again

10. What does the administrative regulation include?
Biographies of the body's leaders
Terms and conditions of service provision
Description of the corporate culture of the body
Inner order rules

11. What elements must be included in the administrative regulations?
Political program of the party
Details of financial documents
List of procedures and document requirements required to receive the service
Catalog of goods and services offered by the municipality

12. How does administrative regulation differ from other regulatory documents?
Availability of financial sanctions for non-compliance
The fact that it specifies the process of interaction between government agencies and citizens/organizations in the provision of services
Large volume and complexity of text
Validity period

13. For what reasons can administrative regulations be changed?

14. How is the period for providing a service determined by admi
15. What do administrative regulations provide?

16. What is the main purpose of administrative regulations?

17. What is the significance of administrative regulations for citizens?

18. What are the consequences for a civil servant for non-compliance with administrative regulations?

19. What is the administrative appeal procedure in the context of administrative regulations?

20. What are administrative regulations in the context of state and municipal services?

21. What are the consequences for an authority that does not comply with the terms and conditions of administrative regulations?

22. Which section should be included in the administrative regulations?

23. What makes administrative regulations mandatory?

24. What changes can be made to the administrative regulations?

25. What mandatory elements should administrative regulations contain?

26. Which bodies can establish administrative regulations?

27. What sanctions can be applied in case of violation of administrative regulations?

28. What are administrative regulations?

29. What should be clearly described in the administrative regulations?

30. What is the key element of any administrative regulation?