Actual problems of arbitration procedural law

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Actual problems of arbitration procedural law Answers to the Synergy MFPU test. Passed on 87/100 points
The Arbitration Court leaves the statement of claim without consideration if ...

It is not true that the arbitral tribunal terminates the proceedings in the case ...

Cases arising from administrative and other public legal relations ...

It is not true that the arbitration court of the appellate instance has the right ...

A cassation appeal may be filed within the time limit…

Judicial acts adopted by arbitration courts of cassation instances based on the results of consideration of cassation complaints are referred to as ...

The arbitration court of the cassation instance considers the cassation appeal against the judicial act of the arbitration court within a period not exceeding ...

The arbitral tribunal is obliged to suspend the proceedings in the event of

Persons involved in the case

An appeal against a decision of an arbitration court in a case on bringing to administrative responsibility may be filed no later than after the adoption of the appealed decision.

Preparation of the case for trial is carried out on time

Arbitration court

Cases of special production

The arbitration court shall return the statement of claim if it establishes that

The Arbitration Procedure Code is put into effect

Advisers of the Office of the Specialized Arbitration Court

The arbitration court shall apply the norms of foreign law in accordance with their

If during the trial it is established that the claim is brought against the wrong person who should be responsible for the claim, the arbitration court ... allow the replacement of an improper defendant with a proper one

It is not true that the exclusive jurisdiction rules apply when filing

Arbitration court considering the case in the cassation instance

After the initiation of proceedings in the case, the parties

It is not true that the tasks of legal proceedings in arbitration courts are

The persons involved in the case include

Judicial acts of arbitration courts that have entered into legal force are subject to change or cancellation if, when considering the case by way of supervision, the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation establishes that the disputed judicial act ...

The decision based on the results of the consideration of the case in the summary procedure may be appealed to the arbitration court of the appellate instance within a period not exceeding .... from the date of its adoption

An application for supervisory review of a judicial act may be filed within a period not exceeding ... from the date of entry into force of the last disputed judicial act adopted in this case, if other available possibilities for verifying the legality of the specified act in court have been exhausted

Persons involved in...

It is not true that collegiate consideration in the arbitration court of first instance is carried out as part of

An application for revision by way of supervision of a judicial act is submitted

It is not true that judicial acts of arbitration courts that have entered into force are subject to change or cancellation if, when considering a case by way of supervision, the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation establishes that the contested judicial act

Persons involved in the case

It is not true that legal costs can be attributed

The arbitral tribunal may substitute one interim measure for another upon request ...
Actual problems of arbitration procedural law Answers to the Synergy MFPU test. Passed on 87/100 points