🔶Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics(RU/CIS)Steam
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We are a holding of family companies, we have been working since 2007, on buydigi.ru since 2009, we are official dealers of all the largest distributors in the CIS.
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You are purchasing a license key for the Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics • Steam Activation •
Publisher: Ripstone Ltd
Developer: Auroch Digital
Year of publication: 2018
Localization: Полностью на английском языке
Activation region: RU+CIS
►If you use VPN for activation or create a new account using VPN, VPN will not be able to help you with activation. And we do not guarantee the performance and activation of the game via VPN.
Game Features:
Бросьте вызов нацистскому террору и сразитесь с бессмертным злом в Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics — пошаговой тактической стратегии в отмеченной наградами вселенной Achtung! Cthulhu.
В Европе бушует Тайная война, а под землей, в Forest of Fear, множится тьма, которой нет названия. В тенях крадется неведомое, и вы должны добиться победы любой ценой, ведь развязавшие террор нацисты — еще не самый страшный ваш враг…
Возглавьте элитный отряд союзников и используйте хитрую тактику и стратегию для победы над культом Cult of the Black Sun. Разрушьте их планы, которые могут погрузить весь мир во тьму. В Европе бушует Тайная война, а под землей, в Forest of Fear, множится тьма, которой нет названия.
Особенности игры:
Тактические бои: управляйте отрядом героев-союзников в инновационных пошаговых наземных схватках.Система импульса: убивайте врагов сериями и наносите критические удары, чтобы набрать импульс и перевернуть ход боя в свою пользу.Свет против тьмы: овладейте силами света для победы над отродьями Ктулху, выходящих из тьмы.Система ОД: очки действия можно потратить как на лобовую атаку, так и на хитрые маневры — здесь важно каждое решение.Психология: навидавшись ужасов войны, члены вашего отряда могут потерять голову в самом разгаре схватки.Создайте свою команду: персонажей с уникальными навыками можно развивать разными путями, а оружие — по-разному модифицировать. Прокачайте свой отряд и давите нацистских гадов еще безжалостнее.Безумная мировая война: во вселенной Achtung! Cthulhu, в которой идет Вторая мировая, какой ее видел бы Лавкрафт, вас ждут легендарные враги и сюжетная компания от Джона Хулихана (John Houlihan), тесно связанная с сюжетом настольной ролевой игры.
Achtung! Cthulhu Tactics © 2018 Ripstone Ltd. Published by Ripstone Ltd and developed by Auroch Digital Limited. “Achtung! Cthulhu” is a trademark and copyright of Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. All rights reserved.
Additional Information
• You are buying from an international, family-owned company with high values, not from an individual.
• Games that we sell on buydigi.ru - https://buydigi.ru/seller/belconsole/118855
• On the market for more than 10 years. We have served more than 1,000,000 Clients during this time.
• On plati alone we have more than 750,000 sales and more than 5,500 positive reviews over the past year.
• We sell a large range of products at record low prices online.
• The official webmoney Business Level is more than 1200.
• We are the official dealer of all major distributors in the CIS.
• After purchasing, if you are satisfied with everything, please write a review below the product, this is very important to us.
• If you have difficulties with activation, please write below under the product in your correspondence.
• To do this, click on the correspondence button, as shown on this screen http://prntscr.com/gft7zi
• We cannot provide technical support with keys via Skype, telephone, etc. Only by correspondence under the product.
• By making a purchase, you agree with the description of the product and are sure that this is exactly the product you need
• Keys distributed by digital distribution, purchased by mistake (due to the buyer’s carelessness), cannot be exchanged or returned.
• When making a purchase, carefully study the product description - activation regions, release dates (if it is a pre-order), activation platforms.
• You are buying from an international, family-owned company with high values, not from an individual.
• Games that we sell on buydigi.ru - https://buydigi.ru/seller/belconsole/118855
• On the market for more than 10 years. We have served more than 1,000,000 Clients during this time.
• On plati alone we have more than 750,000 sales and more than 5,500 positive reviews over the past year.
• We sell a large range of products at record low prices online.
• The official webmoney Business Level is more than 1200.
• We are the official dealer of all major distributors in the CIS.
• After purchasing, if you are satisfied with everything, please write a review below the product, this is very important to us.
• If you have difficulties with activation, please write below under the product in your correspondence.
• To do this, click on the correspondence button, as shown on this screen http://prntscr.com/gft7zi
• We cannot provide technical support with keys via Skype, telephone, etc. Only by correspondence under the product.
• By making a purchase, you agree with the description of the product and are sure that this is exactly the product you need
• Keys distributed by digital distribution, purchased by mistake (due to the buyer’s carelessness), cannot be exchanged or returned.
• When making a purchase, carefully study the product description - activation regions, release dates (if it is a pre-order), activation platforms.