81. Solving a chemistry problem

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20. Using the data from tables 1 and 2, construct a fusibility diagram for the lead-bismuth system.
Table 1
% wt. 0 10 20 43 80 95 100
Tn, C 270 230 200 110 290 320 350
Tk, C 270 110 110 110 110 110 350
Where Tn is the temperature at which crystallization begins; Tk is the temperature at the end of alloy crystallization.
table 2
Dependence of solubility of components on temperature
Temperature, С 110 50 0
Composition of a saturated solid solution of lead in bismuth, wt.% Pb 10 5 0
Composition of a saturated solid solution of bismuth in lead, wt.% Pb 95 98 100

According to the diagram for the alloy 80% wt. Bi define:
1. Temperatures of the beginning and end of crystallization;
2. Composition of the first crystal and the last drop of liquid;
3. Mass of Pb in solid and liquid states when cooling 0.2 kg of alloy to a temperature of 150 C.
Mark all areas and lines on the diagram and give the full name of the diagram.
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